I’m Back Baby
Well, I'm back at WordPress after a four-year hiatus. Well, mostly a hiatus anyway from everyday webwork. I took some time away shortly after Gutenberg was revealed and during the COVID epidemic, pandemic, scam-demic, whatever you want to call it. Now I'm back! I'm back doing WordPress full time again. I have created a second company which is operating at a low level right now, it's located over at The RoguesOasis.com This is where you can find out about what I was doing and what I'm still doing with urban homesteading and urban farming, etc etera.
What brought me back into WordPress fulltime , I decided to get back into WordPress fulltime late in the summer of 2024. At the beginning of 2024 I’d renamed my business from JohnOverall.com to WPProAtoZhost.com This has allowed an expansion of the business and many other things have been improved dramatically over the past year. I had always run this business kind of low keyed, but now it's time to take it up a notch.
In the last couple of years, we've improved dramatically in our design department and our coding capabilities. We've taken on SEO and Google Ads management in addition to the other services we offered, which is web design, hosting and WordPress maintenance.
So what did I walk back into? I walked back into a lot of WPDrama. That drama has been created by none other than the benevolent dictator himself Matt Mullenweg. Well he's pushing some crazy stuff. It started in September 2024 and it is now January 2024, and he's still going strong and even getting worse if that’s possible.
Well, enough of all that. That's all the preamble. So what can you expect from WPProAtoZ.com? What do we have now?
You can expect amazing projects from us. You can expect amazing development work from us. You can expect excellent code and high quality SEO that will help get your site noticed. We have been quietly in the background, honing our skills, learning new skills, sharpening all our tools and pulling together some of the most fantastic plugins and other things on the Internet to bring to you some of the best work that can be done.
What will you find here at WPProAtoZ.com Well, what you will find is we have some great new content coming your way. The podcast WP Plugins A-Z is still going after 16 years and only getting better each episode. We're going to be talking about not only plugins but what we feel is the future of WordPress in light of all the changes caused by the drama of the last five months.
You will see more articles with useful tips and tricks, solving issues and self-help tips. You will see more outreach from us on our social platforms such as Twitter-X, Reddit, LinkedIn, and Facebook. You will see things like case studies, help and tips so that you can take your website and move it to the next level to help improve your business and bring in the leads and the clients that your business needs to help you succeed.
You're going to see other great articles for us about the future of WordPress. Correcting issues for Elementor You're going to see customized Elementor items coming since we focus on using Elementor for all our builds, including the wonderful website you're reading this article on now. This is going to showcase what kind of content can be built with WordPress, what kind of websites you can build. You can build anything with WordPress and Elementor. You don't need Gutenberg. Gutenberg, well, while it may be OK, I've tried to use it several times. I've just not been able to wrap my head around it.
I think Gutenberg was not designed well. Also I don't think, I feel Gutenberg was designed to compete with Wix. And well Wix is designed for the non-technical person and that's what Gutenberg's trying to be is something for the non-technical person. But I think what they forgot while building out Gutenberg for the non-technical person is that there's still technical stuff to do in the back end of WordPress so it confuses people.
I found this out when I set up a base site for someone a couple of months ago with just Gutenberg and a theme and they wanted nothing else and they gave it to them. And within three hours of them diving into it, I had e-mail after e-mail after e-mail asking for help. Trying to understand and figure out how they could create content and everything else. After a couple of weeks they figured it out and they got going. They didn't want to pay for my time and well, my time is valuable.
What else are you going to see from us? You're going to see more features on. Plugins and how we think plugins are going to evolve over the next several years. You're going to see some unique plugins come out of WP Pro A to Z since I'm working with a developer to create these plugins. So they'll come out between the two of us, they'll come out as a a party plugin. But they will be coming out and down the Pike and there will be some amazing stuff coming out down the road.
I'll call it that for this article. And I look forward to everyone tuning in to the podcast at WP Plugins A to z.com. And I look forward to hearing from everyone about what they think about what we do, how we do it. And I look forward to working to. With new and old customers alike. That's all we got. Take Care now. Bye bye.